Thinking about getting back to some mosaic work has been haunting me of late. So, I was very happy when my friend G. brought me some photos of a piece I had made for her many years back:
I had forgotten how pretty it was! Now I want it back. The piece is approximately 20 inches in diametre. To the best of my recollection, it was made using an old tabletop I found in some garbage area or other.
Speaking of garbage, I just learned about the work of Rod Humby, who is a real genius when it comes to making mosaics out of found objects. For example, this piece uses old chair backs:
This one was made using blocks stacked one on top of the other:
And this?Everything but the kitchen sink! Anyway, check out his website,
The Joy of Shards Mosaic Resource. If you don't immediately rush out and buy some tile grout and cover a table or two in your place after that, there's something wrong with you.
Having said that, I won't be able to get back to any mosaic work today. Why not? Because I started work on Project Purple yesterday and am now obsessed. Sorry, no pics: I'm thinking about trying to get it published. It should be done in the next couple of days, everything being equal.
(What's that? You thought I was going to start on the Pheonix Rising by Sivia Harding? Hah! Approximately 23 minutes after deciding that, I changed my mind and hauled out the Silken.)
Speaking of Sivia Harding, she has just published a new pattern for the River Rock scarf, which was previously only available in the No Sheep for You book. This was my version, made last year:
This year, Sivia has outdone herself, coming up with four variations on the theme and providing a great bead tutorial as well:
The pattern is available for sale on her website. And, not to blow my own horn of fabulousness, but I have a small connection with this version: Sivia asked me if I had any suggestions about the pattern before publishing it, and has very graciously given me a credit!!
Which makes me feel all shiny and happy...Happy Sunday!
06 April 2008
Authored by
Kristina B
5:31 a.m.
Labels: chair backs, kitchen sink, mosaics, river rock, sivia harding
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