08 August 2007

lorelei/poppy in progress

Here is the latest project on the needles - scrapped the Tomato in favour of a tank tee modelled on the Lorelei and the Pppy in Shobhana Mason's Yarnplay. It's turning out to be a good scrap/stashbuster!


PS. In the ongoing quest for stashbusters, and having had to content myself with reading for the past week on the TTC... last night I hit upon a brilliant idea. At least, I thought it was brilliant at the time.

Namely, I figured I could use scrap and "one skeins" left over from other projects to make... wait for it... a log cabin blanket.

That's right - a blanket.

I started this blanket today (right now the temperature is 32C or 37C with the humidity...). I won't go on about my "humidex" pet peeve. Suffice it to say that it doesn't seem like the best time of year to knit a blanket. However, I'm stubborn and I have no other portable projects at present... so, we'll see.

Wish me luck!